인쇄매체에 나타난 보도사진의 힘(2007)
Date. March 3, 2007.
명칭_Things As They Are | 존재 그대로의 사실 : 세계를 놀라게 한 진실들
주최_동아일보사, 서울신문, 세계보도사진재단
기간_2007년 2월 9일~3월 12일
장소_프레스센터 서울갤러리
World Press Photo of the Year
1955년이래로 보도사진수상작을 전시하고있다.
전작품을 올릴수없으므로 인상에 남았던 몇작품만 소개하겠다.
다른작품을 보고싶다면 '세계보도사진재단(http://www.worldpressphoto.com) 방문
Hanns-Jörg Anders Germany, Stern.
Londonderry, Northern Ireland, Ma 1969.
A young Catholic during clash with British troops.
About the image
After a night of street fighting, everyone was fleeing the teargas, when Anders saw a gas masked boy, who had stopped in front of a wall inscribed with "we want peace". He only had time to take two pictures before the teargas enveloped him.
>>'we wnat peace'라고쓰여진 벽앞에 방독면을쓰고 서이는 소년.
Stanley Forman,USA,The Boston Herald.
USA, The Boston Herald.Boston, USA, 22 July 1975.
A woman and a girl are hurled down as the fire escape of their apartment building collapses.
About the image
Forman watched helplessly through his lens as everything gave way, with people, plants and metal tumbling through the air. His pictures were used in a safety campaign afterwards, and he still daydreams about taking more photographs that have that kind of impact.
>>화재를 피해 비상계단으로나가다 추락하는 여성과 아이. 여성은 떨어져 사망했다고 하나 아이는 여성위에떨어져 목숨을구했다고..
Robin Moyer, USA, Black Star for Time.
Beirut, Lebanon, 18 September 1982. Aftermath of massacre of Palestinians by Christian Phalangists in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.
About the image
Moyer saw Israeli flares burst above the camps, and went there to discover piles of bodies - brutally shot. He photographed for hours surrounded by the smell of death, while Israeli soldiers joked around. The killers were never brought to justice.
>>팔레스타인 학살.
Anthony Suau, USA, Black Star.
Kuro, South Korea, 18 December 1987.
A mother pleads with the riot police after her son was arrested at a demonstration accusing the government of fraud in the presidential election.
About the image
Suau was covering the South Korean elections for Time magazine when he captured this poignant shot.
Arko Datta, India, Reuters, 2004.
Woman mourns relative killed in tsunami, Cuddalore, India, Tamil Nadu, 28 December 2004
About the image
Datta had to shoot fast, before they took the bloated body away. He felt that its gruesomeness would've distracted too much from the grieving subject of the picture, so he decided just to include the hand.
>>쓰나미로인한 친척의 사망을 슬퍼하는여인. 여인의 슬픔을 표현하기에 시체의 섬뜩함이 영향이커 시체의손만담았다고.
분위기를 바꾸는 연결 통로를 지나 만나게 된 리처드 아베돈의 작품들,
Richard Avedon
Beatles -사이키델릭시대
Dovima with Elephant ,1955
전시된작품중 가장 고가의 사진.
에서 죽기전그의최근 작품을 접할수있다.
그림출처_World Press Photo, 네이버의비틀즈매니아 등.
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